Thursday, July 11, 2024

'Baby' Bugatti

The 'Baby' Bugatti is a half-size Type 35. It's sometimes referred to as 'Type 52', though that doesn't appear to be an official factory designation.

The 'Baby' has an electric motor and was created by Ettore for his five year old son Roland. It created a bit of a stir and was then taken into production for children. Several hundred were produced.

The job lot in which my Type 35 model came included several much smaller Type 35 models. The scale of these was not specifically mentioned anywhere on the models, but it turned out they're almost exactly half the size of my 1:24 Type 35 model ... You see where this is going?

So here it is, a 'Baby' Bugatti!

And here is the 'Baby' with its parent.

Sure, this is not specifically a 1:24 scale model of a 'Baby', but it's very similar, if not identical to what it would look like if it was produced (note the lack of a crank handle, which the 'Baby' also didn't have!). And that's good enough for my collection!

And the picture that just had to be taken: the 'Baby' next to the Type 41 Royale Coupe Napoleon!

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